You don’t need to defend Crypto tbh.
I mean, I sort of do, but I mostly just get excited about all the really cool things that we might be able to do over the next few years. If you love the tech (or the economic incentives wrapped in the tech), then you probably also understand what it isn’t good at. Great!
That’s what critics tend to focus on.
So when they ask about that stuff, just be honest about the parts that suck and be excited about how it’s going to get better. That tends to be much more productive than punching back.
I recently talked with a friend, Giri Devanur, on his podcast about crypto, the power of memes, and leadership and we certainly hit on some of the bigger criticisms of the space!
Check it out below and let me know what you think.
**Note: The link to the original video seems to be broken. I’ll leave it below, but I’m also adding a link to another, not broken podcast appearance I did 🫡
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